Friday 30 April 2010

Planning of Production

Draft For Poster

Like all production pieces research on similar excising product was required to produced the highest grade as possible. The conventions which i distinguished throughout my research and what i needed to include was; a main image which would capture the overall theme for the film and would give the audience a teaser. The representation of the two protagonists within the image allowed the audience to see what it was about. Including an age rating, actors names, producers and film credits.

When undertaking the research the poster which had a lot of influence of my production and the way i represented the characters was 'Good Will Hunting'. The storyline was similar to mine in the way which one protagonist took another protagonist under their wing and tried to influence them in way which would make them more successful in life.

Planning Of Radio Advert

When planning my radio advert i had to research other radio advert to find out the conventions that i will need to include within the clip. Also i research film trailers and how they relate to the radio advert as well as the poster, this allowed me to produce an overall more professional product and achieve a higher grade.

Planning Of Radio Advert

Planning Of Radio Advert